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This handbook is written primarily to assist either an application developer wishing to use the JWNL libraries, or a developer wishing to make modifications to the source code of JWNL.
JWNL is an API for accessing WordNet-style relational dictionaries. It also provides functionality beyond data access, such as relationship discovery and morphological processing. JWNL is a pure java implementation of the WordNet API, which means all that is required is the java libraries and the dictionary files.
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"WordNet is a semantic lexicon for the English language. It groups English words into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short, general definitions, and records the various semantic relations between these synonym sets. The purpose is twofold: to produce a combination of dictionary and thesaurus that is more intuitively usable, and to support automatic text analysis and artificial intelligence applications.
WordNet distinguishes between nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs because they follow different grammatical rules. Every synset contains a group of synonymous words or collocations (a collocation is a sequence of words that go together to form a specific meaning, such as "car pool"); different senses of a word are in different synsets. The meaning of the synsets is further clarified with short defining glosses (Definitions and/or example sentences). A typical example synset with gloss is:
good, right, ripe -- (most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes")
Most synsets are connected to other synsets via a number of semantic relations."
Using JWNL is very simple. First, call JWNL.initialize() somewhere in the initialization code of your program. Then, just call Dictionary.getInstance() to get the currently installed dictionary. The only dictionary methods you should really ever need to call are lookupIndexWord(), lookupAllIndexWords(), and getIndexWordIterator().
The other methods you may be interested in Relationship.findRelationships(), and those in PointerUtils.
Relationship.findRelationships() allows you to find relationships of a given type between two words (such as ancestry). Another way of thinking of a relationship is as a path from the source synset to the target synset.
The methods in PointerUtils allow you to find chains of pointers of a given type. For example, calling PointerUtils.getHypernymTree() on the synset that contains "dog," returns a tree with all its parent synsets ("canine"), and its parents' parents ("carnivore"), etc., all the way to the root synset ("entity").
JWNL provides support for accessing the WordNet database through three structures - the standard file distribution, a database, or an in-memory map. Utilities are provided to convert from the file structure to an SQL database or in-memory map, and a configuration file controls which system the library uses.
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A JWNL Properties file is an XML file that can be validated using the included DTD or XSD.
Basically, the properties file allows you to specify three properties:
- Dictionary class: This defines the class used to interface with the dictionary. JWNL comes with three dictionary classes - MapBackedDictionary, FileBackedDictionary, and DatabaseBackedDictionary. Exactly 1 dictionary tag is required in a properties file. If there are more than one, the first one will be used.
<dictionary class="[dictionary class name]"> ..parameters </dictionary>- Version: Gives information on the version of WordNet being interfaced with. Excactly 1 version tag is required in a properties file.
<version publisher="[publisher]" number="[version number]" language="[language]" country="[country]"/>where [language] and [country] are used to specify the locale whose language is covered by the dictionary. If these tags are not included, the default locale is assumed. See the Java documentation for java.util.Locale for information on locales.
- Resources: A resource file contains mapping between keys and text used in the program. Typically, this text is error or status messages. Resource files are used so that a program can be used with different (spoken) languages without having to modify the code. See the Java documentation for java.util.ResourceBundle on how to name your resource files. You can specify as many resources as you want.
<resource class="[resource file path]"/>In the top-level tag, you can specify the language and country to use for resolving resources. For example:
<jwnl_properties language="en" country="us"> </jwnl_properties>tells the program to print all messages in American English (a resource file containing these messages has to be present, of course).
You'll notice that dictionary and dictionary_element_factory allow you to provide parameters. Parameters are of the form:
<param name="[param name]" value="[param value]"> ..nested parameters </param>Parameters are provided to the install method of the class. Parameters can be nested. For example:
<param name="data_class" value="net.didion.stuff.Money"> <param name="currency" value="USD"/> </param>A set of params like this most likely means that an instance of net.didion.stuff.Money is going to be created, and that its constructor will be passed "USD" as a parameter.
The valid parameters for each class are specified in that class's documentation. I would encourage you to follow this convention of documenting valid parameters in the class documentation of any classes you write that take parameters.
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Requires JWNL Version 1.3 or greater.
DictionaryToDatabase allows you to create and populate a database with the WordNet data. This database is compatible with DatabaseBackedDictionary.
The advantages/disadvantages of using the DatabaseBackedDictionary depends largely on the type of database you use, and whether the database is local or remote. For example, using Axion, an in-process database, with all data stored in memory, is about as fast as using a Map-backed dictionary, but requires around 300MB of memory. Using Axion in file-backed mode, the speed is still faster than a file-backed dictionary and the memory requirements are quite small. However, the process of importing the WordNet data into file-backed Axion takes several hours. Using a traditional client-server database, such as MySQL, is slower than a Map- or Axion-backed dictionary, but can be as fast as or faster than a file-backed dictionary. About 37MB is required on the database server for the WordNet data, and it takes about 30 minutes to populate the database. The main benefit of using a database-backed dictionary is that the data is centralized and can be used by many clients. There is no need to set up and configure the WordNet data files on each client computer.
Make sure you have your file-properties.xml file set up correctly. Also, if you are using a database that is not in-process, make sure to create a new database for the the WordNet data. For example:
create database jwnl;And then just call:
java -cp jwnl.jar;utilities.jar;commons-logging.jar net.didion.jwnl.utilities.DictionaryToDatabase <property file> <index dictionary location> <create tables script> <driver class> <connection url> [username [password]]For example:
java -cp jwnl.jar;utilities.jar;commons-logging.jar net.didion.jwnl.utilities.DictionaryToDatabase .\include\file-properties.xml .\WordNet\3.0\sense.index .\include\create.sql com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost/jwnl?user=jwnl&password=jwnl"Once you have loaded the data into the database, make sure you have configured database-properties.xml correctly and initialize JWNL using that file.